Sunday, December 14, 2014

Wishing My Love a Very Very Happy Birthday

A day when a sweet girl with beautiful heart arrived 

To me your birthday is a precious day 
It means so much to have you in my life
Your loving care fills up my day with pleasure
Your warm and giving nature helps create
Close, special times together that I treasure.
I promise with each passing day I love you more and more
Your FB greeting  page:)
Keep within me, my love, whom I cherish and adore.

The smile of yours

That pretty smile of yours,
The talks so sweet,
The way you look at me,
The way you greet,

I know for sure that you are mine,
I will love you till the end of time
Happy birthday sweetheart,
Keep smiling!

Happy BirthDay Preeto

At last enjoy this special one from my heart just for U ;)

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