Monday, December 12, 2016

Happy Birthday 2016

 I don't know how to say, I don't know what to write, but this is sure I am feeling very Awkward  Right now it's 5:13 PM, Monday Dec 12 here in Pittsburgh and I am somehow manage to get this page loaded up in my Office Laptop . Even I don't know if you will see it or not ,  I had surely broke you up into many pieces and what to expect next .... 

I don't have plan , I don't have any fancy words or  images or videos but I still have that Album you gave me last time and I always keep it with myself . 

I am travelling tomorrow early morning to New york Airport to get flight to Delhi and I don't know whether we will  be able to meet or not but trust me after all ups and down,  after all your heartbreaks,  after ignoring you intentionally or unintentionally so many time when you needed my company most , I always fought back with all negatives and tried to make things better for everyone but YES so many times I have failed, at least I have failed in front of you and you suffered a lot . I don't want to say here much because I can't do,  I can't express 

It's 5:20 here and I have so many other things to wrap up ,at this time with all shortage of time I can say that I am really trying to get things work out for you and for Us 

With all   my Hidden Feelings  :  WISHING YOU A VERY VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY 

Hope Things will get better in coming year