Thursday, December 22, 2011

Perfect Picture - Pretty Preeti in Pink

It gives me enough inspiration to express something on this knowing the fact that someone might not like it and may assume it a stupid or a time waste act, but i know appreciating and accepting the truth & beauty around you is the finest thing one can do 

In fact, I would argue that inspiration is not just a desirable thing, it’s an integral part of the writing process.

I don't exactly remember the time but it was more than 1 year back i have read a very beautiful article (based on nature's law and facts) on web that Pink is one of the rarest color one can find in nature and the occurance of pink is very rare in nature and wherever you see the colour pink one can notice that it possesses the real authenticity and beauty.

I can write much more on this but let me tell you one thing, it doesn't matter whether it's pink or green or any other colour  but one thing and that's  , you're AWESOME  the way you're.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happy 14 Dec

May this special day 
           brings ...
All the  joy & success and  fulfill all of your dreams & desires